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Makerspace Enhancements

Grant Request:



I am requesting two different sets of items for the Middlefork Makerspace. This is our second year of running the Middlefork Makerspace. It is constantly evolving, as are our students. It is important to keep them interested and engaged in the items in the Makerspace to keep them creating, collaborating, problem solving and communication, the “4 C’s” of 21st Century Learning.

The first is three sets of Osmo Hot Wheels MindRacers Game. These kits can be added to our existing Osmos. The Osmos are stations in the Makerspace that are constantly being used at every recess period by all grade levels. The MindRacers are the newest addition to the Osmo family. They allow students to begin races with two Hot Wheels cars, which then enter the digital world of the Osmo. Students use coins to control the cars in the digital worlds and work on skills such as real-­world dexterity, quick decision-­making and sportsmanship.
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Additionally, I am requesting a Classroom Pack of Dash and Dot robots. We currently have one Dash and Dot robot in the Makerspace. The Classroom Pack includes 6 Dash robots, 6 Dot robots, 6 Launchers, 6 Building Brick Connector Sets (4 connectors per set), 6 Accessory Packs, 6 Challenge Card Box Sets, 1 Learn to Code Curriculum Guide and 1 One-­year Code to Learn Lesson Library subscription. Dash and Dot are the perfect robots for Middlefork Makers because they offer free apps that engage students in picture based coding and block coding and allow them to draw code for Dash to read.
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