Room Parents
Thank you for your interest in being a Room Parent! Helping out in your child’s classroom is a great way to get involved at school. You’re able to get to know the other students in your child’s class, as well as teach your own children that being involved at school is important to you, and in turn, it will be important to them. Many students also get excited when they see their parent in their classroom!

Kindergarten – Grade 5 will have Room Parents assisting in each classroom. These classrooms will have a Primary Room Parent contact who will act as the main communicator with the Teacher. There is usually also a Secondary Room Parent. Room Parents for the entire grade will work together when planning for the year ahead.
Grades 6-8 will have a Room Parent Team for the entire grade, complete with a Primary Room Parent Contact, as well as a Primary Teacher Contact. The Primary Room Parent Contact will act as the main communicator with the Primary Teacher Contact.
Each Primary Room Parent should communicate with their assigned teacher to determine their responsibilities throughout the school year. Room Parents for the ENTIRE grade should plan to work together to provide a cohesive environment.
Middlefork (Kindergarten)
Halloween Party
Winter Break Party
Valentine’s Day Party
Help Teachers coordinate Parent Volunteers as needed
Middlefork (Grades 1-3)
Halloween Party
Winter Break Party
Valentine’s Day – check with teacher, some have parties and other don’t
Help Teachers coordinate Parent Volunteers as needed
Grade 1: Reading celebration
Grade 3: PAARC Test Party – includes lunch, host 3rd grade graduation party
Sunset Ridge
Halloween Party
Winter Break Party
Valentine’s Day – check with teacher, some have parties and others don’t
Snacks during Testing
Help Teachers coordinate Parent Volunteers as needed
Food Options
No food for classroom parties. Please work with the classroom teacher, administration and VP for any specific exceptions.
Sunset Ridge
Although Fruits and Vegetables are the daily snack options at SRS, there is flexibility for classroom parties and treats. Work with your grade level teacher to determine food options.