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Skype Presentation With Jim Averbeck

Grant Request:



Partial funds to pay for the 7th grade Skype presentation by the author Jim Averbeck.  Jim.Averbeck’s Skype session will be for the entire 7′” grade as part of their ELA and Social Studies curriculum based on the ELA classroom novel, A Long Walk to Water. Though fictional, the story is based on the true story of Salva Dut, a “Sudanese Lost Boy.” The author no longer does presentations. Jim is recommended by the author as her replacement. Jim was the illustrator of the book and knows Salva Dut and has also spend a number of years In the peace corps volunteering in Cameroon Africa. Jim will address all of this in his presentation. Students will have prepared questions to ask Jim.

Mr. Averbeck’s “honorarium” is $400.00 and I am requesting $200 to help cover the cost.

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