Quaver Music Curriculum

Grant Request:
“Can we do Quaver today?” This is the request I receive nearly weekly from Middlefork first (and second) graders, as they walk eagerly into the music room. What they’re asking is for a music lesson using the most engaging curriculum and resources I’ve ever used, and that’s in 30 year’s of being o music educator. Students can’t wait for the next Quaver module and they literally cheer when I tell them “yes, today we’re going to learn from Professor Quaver.” The Quaver- Music Curriculum is a comprehensive and customizable web-based alternative to general music textbooks. Quaver’s K-3 Curriculum consists of over 150 complete, lesson plans, correlated to the Music Standards set forth by the NCCAS. I can also customize student curriculum, choosing from more than 2,500 resources in the Quaver- Library or importing content of my own from my media library, professional resources, and much more! Quaver Music is a completely digital curriculum, that I can launch in any classroom and integrate student technology, as well.
Middlefork School already owns a license through January, 2021 for the First Grade Quaver Curriculum, only. For three years prior- to that, I used the free (limited) website, Quaver-Music.com, on and off, and in these combined years, I’ve seen student engagement go up and witnessed on increased desire to learn about music from home. Not only that, but my First Grade curriculum was the first grade level to directly align with the new (2014) Illinois Music Standards.
With state standards included on every lesson plan and cutting-edge technology built right in, Quaver’s Curriculum comes with tools I use to engage and assess every student. Students are also given ample opportunity to practice in class or at home through free student accounts at QuaverMusic.com. This virtual world of music exploration and fun allows students to compose original music, travel through time and space to uncover musical genres, and ploy online music games to reinforce skills learned in the classroom. For more information on Quaver Music, see QuaverMusic.com/infocenter. I am requesting money for the purchase of on additionol 5-year license for Third Grade.